module 1_greetings pt 2

Module 1.3b – Greetings Pt. II

Ohniyotuháti  sata’kalí:te kʌh  – How are you, are you well?

wata’kalí:te kih  – I am doing well

yah te’wakata’kalí:te̲ – I am not doing well

Sʌhnislí:yoste’ kih wah  – you have a nice day

Repeat each phrase at least 3x, or until you can say them comfortably well.


Step 1:  Save a Copy or Save As (rename the file with your own name added to the end)

Step 2: Now you can edit (make changes) your own file. Don’t forget to save and later submit(share) via email back to us.

module 1_3b Homework GOOGLE SLIDE

MODULE 1_3b_tkayeli kih