module 1_office reception

Module 1.2-Office reception basic

ʌwa:tú kʌh akuya’tákenha̲’  – Can I help you?

satnuhtut kʌh náhe’  – Wait a little while

ohniyoh tsi’ akuya’tákenha’ nu’ú:wa̲’  – How can I help you today?

kʌh nukwá nu:tase̲’  –  Come this way

Repeat each phrase at least 3x, or until you can say them comfortably well.


Step 1:  Save a Copy or Save As (rename the file with your own name added to the end)

Step 2: Now you can edit (make changes) your own file. Don’t forget to save and later submit(share) via email back to us.

Module 1.2 Homework Link