paper chain craft
Latest decorating idea for any occasion…you will need printout of fancy paper, construction paper, scissors, tape
Kahyatúhsli’ Tekanuwalotálhu̲ (paper chain)
uska: ʌsayʌ:táne’ thíkʌ tekayeluní kahyatúhsel̲i̲ (you will get that fancy paper) – ask a parent to help download & print
tékeni̲: kwetalukwas kahyatuhsel̲i̲’ (cut the paper)
áshʌ̲: yela’natakhwa kahyatúhsel̲i̲’ (paste or tape the papers end together)
Use kahyatúhslatʌs (construction paper) in between each fancy paper link to make chain longer.
adapted from a similar project from the Chirp magazine December 2006
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